Within minutes you will have the product ready to submit for your own private use.
Get rid of that goofy smile on your avatar, and incorporate a sitting pose that you adore.Ībility to edit disabled products: Was your favorite product recently disabled? No need to worry, open T3DE and edit the product ID. You can them change them 3Dmax or combine them to create a truly unique product. Why shouldn't you enjoy a blackmarket product that IMVU thinks is bad? Edit the disabled product and resubmit it for your own private use, or better yet put it on the market and make thousands.Įxtract any texture: Instead of a program that works tries to work by scanning your graphics card and only giving you a few or limited textures, T3DE mimics IMVU's own editor and makes it believe you ARE the owner.Īccess to 3d Meshes and Animations: What good are textures if you don't have the 3d files they go with? Easily extract.
Why should you have to pay for PSD Skin templates? Extract the texture yourself and save the money. Why limit yourself to a hair that is only found in blonde? Edit it yourself and make it brunette. It is truly the one program every developer or user needs to fully enjoy IMVU.
For purchase inquiry email to the texture.